I deal with a great number of rescue dogs, in fact probably half the number of dogs that I work with are rescue or re-homed dogs.
Ignoring the outright abuse cases, which hopefully get dealt with by the RSPCA, why does any dog need to be re-housed or re-homed?
Probably for one or more of the following reasons:
I'm not just for Christmas
If I can help you to make the initial right match of dogs and thus avoid some or all of the above problems then I guess I will be doing myself out of a job further down the road but the most important thing will, of course, have been to achieve the right dog for your family environment - which is exactly the sort of decisions that I had to make when matching (trained) guide dogs with their potential blind owners and believe me there were far more complicated issues in question then!
"A tiring day at the office"
So finding the right pet for your family should not be too difficult but please if you go to a rescue centre do not take home the first dog that greets with a waggy tail or looks at you with those appealing eyes - talk to the rescue staff, who will as much as their time will allow, will have been able to asses their ever changing charges and give you advice on the right dog for you and your family.
Do take every opportunity to talk to trainers like myself before you commit yourself to the new long-term member of the family, The Kennel Club, your local dog training club or visit Discover Dogs at Earls Court in November.
"Dogs lives are too short. Their only fault really"
Agnes Turnbull - 1888 - 1982 - writer
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"
Mahatma Gandhi