A site dedicated to the advancement of responsible and harmonious dog ownership and tribute The World’s First renowned Dog Whisperer, Englishman, Steve Fryer.

The Dog Whisperer supports Animal Helpline-www.homes4dogs.co.uk


Next event supported by the The Dog Whisperer and Dogs In Mind:

In aid of Animal Helpline and Homes4dogs 23rd August 2014, at Wansford, Haycock Hotel, annual Rescue Dog Show

Stands: £30.00

Entry £2.00

Competition entry £1.00 per event

Product stands restricted to 2 per industry

3-4,000 footfall

Email us for more information


Professional Association of Applied Canine Trainers
More info


Steve Fryer, The Dog Whisperer , provides a valuable service training dogs, advising on dogs with behavioural problems demonstrating at outdoor events with unknown dogs taken from the crowd, practical lecture evenings and entertaining 'After Dinner Speeches'.


Click here to read more about my time at Crufts this year

"Want your advert here?" Email us



Please click here to listen to my recent DogCast radio interview.

Win a free copy of my DVD - Try the caption competition!

Thinking of buying a new dog or puppy?

I deal with a great number of rescue dogs, in fact probably half the number of dogs that I work with are rescue or re-homed dogs. Ignoring the outright abuse cases, which hopefully get dealt with by the RSPCA, why does any dog need to be re-housed or re-homed?


Your much loved dog will die a slow and lingering death
if left for a long period in the sun in your car


Email us for more details.


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This is the so called enlightened 21st century you know!!

or as Eeyore famously said


A tail for me is:

  • a fly swat
  • a cooling system
  • an annoyance signal
  • a balancing aid

NOW think how much more a dog uses and needs his tail!!


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